You need it with all things. Especially here. You start to live like you wouldnt at home (or maybe you do,idk) and pretty soon you wonder what in the world you were thinking.You have nothing to show for your time here.Sure, some memories but little to no money. Maybe even a deficit. Its imperative to have a healthy balance. This means you will be saying no. A lot. Either they will stop asking or you will get tired of saying it but stick to your guns. Its a necessary evil. And I would dare to say that it doesnt matter if you have massive debt or no debt it is still wise to save and invest for the future. It makes life later that much easier. Thats not to say it is easy to do so. So many people have Fannie and Freddie and Sallie and only God knows who else with their hands out. PAY THEM. And maybe there will be less hands when you reach good ol' American soil again,lol. But I digress. The point of this entry was to say that my healthy balance is to have one trip per year. Yep....
Up for the challenge! I spent 7 years teaching abroad in the same country, city, and school. My blog begins before the move and documents the preparation, introduction to a new city, the ups and downs of my experiences, and the end of my time here. Admittedly, posts decline as the years pass but I will continue to update through the resignation process. When I return home, I will begin to document repatriation and all that comes with it!