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Showing posts from June, 2010


I am recently getting into this whole adsense and custom search options. Although I am very green, I would like to get more into this form of knowledge because I realize it is very helpful. Over the years, I have searched countless hours for a variety of information regarding teaching. Using my custom search, you will be privy to the search engines I have combed through,hopefully saving you many hours if you are looking for early childhood teaching sites.

Get it together

Im standing in the midst of clothes galore and know that I will be pulling out many more clothes in the days to come. Because my sense of space is completely off, I need to get luggage pronto so that I will have a better idea of what I will have room for. Its amazing how women have so many clothes and nothing to wear. To some its sad but we have valid reasons! It may come back in style, we are waiting to buy something that goes with it, we WILL be able to fit it again (lol), we want to give it to someone but never do,it needs to be taken in/out,etc. Im sure Im leaving some things out. so today I will continue on with deciding what is too dear to part with and what needs to be out of here by the end of the month for my sanity. No calls or emails today but it IS father's day so that is to be expected I suppose. Im just happy I dont sell things for a living or I would be MISERABLE!!!

Let it go

Im chilling at home alone and appreciating it so much. Been out and about and done some new things today but I'll get into that later. People have begun to call and thats wonderful. Im holding the rattan for a girl till payday. I definitely know how that is!!! Just watched a tatted dude and his sister leave with the fridge and left me with $$$. Gotta feel good about that, right? A lady called about the DR table. After calling her and leaving message, I guess she'll be calling soon to set up a time/date to view. After looking at tables in various stores the other day, 75 bucks is a sweet deal! hmmm, I need to tighten up the chairs before she comes too. I have a couple items im waiting on to post-the couch,the bed, and the desk. This is definitely happening! So I decided that I was going to the GOODWILL. I see shirts that are good BUT the sleeves dont go all the way down to my wrists and that could potentially pose a problem. To avoid all that, Im trying to go over with a few shi

In preparation

In preparation for this change I have spent countless hours reading blogs, threads, watched videos, read personal blogs, read wikipedia, and pretty much consumed every piece of information I could about this country I was considering relocating to. Whats important to note, or so I thought, is the fact that there was no real hesitation or nervousness on my part. After praying about it, I continued on with my life as usual and waited for the indications that would tell me whether this was for me. The process went rather smoothly. After looking through job posts for someone else I saw an ad that piqued my interest. I decided to apply with no real thought that I would get a response. Not even a week later I got a call and was surprised as well as a bit scared. Did I really want to call this woman back? Is this a legitimate company? What are the pros and cons of leaving and teaching abroad for 2+ years? Would I get homesick? How would I cope? All these questions were in the back of my mind