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Zega Bula

I couldnt make today up if I tried. It was absolute craziness and it threw me for such a loop, the entire day was kind of off. I guess it started from the weekend when I had a corneal abrasion that healed itself with some eye drops and a bit of rest. I eagerly drove to school early for set up and to see what, if anything, happened in my room while I was away. I walk in and no carpet. I ask the boys who were in the room and they said they didnt know. I chat them up a little with the usual greetings and tell them I missed them and carry on.

A little later the cleaning lady comes in to tell me they messed up the room, that a teacher took pictures, that someone messed up the carpet...pretty much what I could gather from her broken English. She kept saying, "no problem" but I told her it was a big problem and I marched them to the office to see Mudeera (principal). I then find out that the HOF is the one who took the pictures and it wasnt a pretty sight. My mouth fell open when I discovered the boy had take a purposeful POOP on the carpet. Items were taken off shelves and things were on the floor. According to the kids, it was TWO kids, out of twenty.I dont know WHAT got into them. I kept in mind that they are five BUT to put bula/poop on the floor is unacceptable!
So parents are called.I talked to one mom though I never quite know what to say in situations like these with the language barrier.

Anyway, the day continues on but its difficult to continue the day with the room being rearranged and not having that carpet area for circle time...I take the kids to music but she isnt there. GREAT! They arent walking in the hallway quietly so we won't go outside as a replacement for music class. Instead, we go to the room and sit quietly on the rug and I say a few words about their behavior. One kids asks about eating and I promptly let him know it isnt time yet.

A short while later, the music teacher comes in. "10:15. Did you forget music is this period?" I confusingly tell her no, that the kids I sent looking for her said she wasnt here, that she had gone...and I send them on their way with her. I look at the clock and then at the schedule on the way and realize the period that just passed was SNACK TIME!!! ugh.

No lights in the music room, malfunction maybe?,so the kids went outside with the teacher. Im trying to regroup and get the room together and some kids come back to my room talking about a student and after a bit of charades I quickly stand up thinking, "I know he did not break his arm"! Before I get out of the classroom, more kids running my way telling me the same thing. I have them fall in behind me as I march to the office for answers. Indeed, he jumped off some equipment, natural for a kid his age, and fell on his arm. When I saw him, it was in a splint and he was waiting for the ambulance. I didnt go all the way into the room. Just enough to see him laying with the nurse. I almost cried for him. I know he was in pain.

We managed to go back to the room and eat and finish last period. I dont know if my "speech" about safety was understood but Im sure my unhappiness with the day was. My little translator didnt hesitate to step in and give the kids a piece of her mind. I could tell by the sound of her voice,lol. One day I want to record her and find out exactly what she is saying to them.Im sure she's going to be very helpful to her teacher next year when she's not in one of her moods.

I also have lots to say about my lesson plans and my grouping but Ill save that for another day/entry.

*zega/bula: pee/poop
I learned this after one of the kids was chanting it to the dismay of others so I knew it couldnt be good.


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