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Showing posts from October, 2013

Hit the Ground Running

After a week of running on E in terms of energy but running on F in terms of germs, I woke up feeling like myself again. Thanks to a long nap and a full night's rest I can carry on with my long list of things to do. After the initial excitement of being handed the keys to the car, so to speak, I am now a little concerned about whether I will return the car in a manner that's pleasing with the owner. On the one hand, she trusts me to get the job done. On the other hand, I know that she likes things a certain way. And science isn't always clean or cute. I  must find balance,lol. There are a few things I know I have to return with come Monday. Sensory tables are one of those things. Hoping to come back with some piping and Im not sure what else. Im open to whatever I might see because you have to be creative when repurposing things-especially here. I can't wait to see them use the science room. exciting!

Just Like Old Times

Im feeling sick and didnt want to go in today. I lay in bed contemplating whether or not to just stay there. I decided against my body and went in. Good thing because my coteacher was out today. They would have been wondering what was going on if both of their teachers were absent! We had a good day. Im used to having kids the full day so it wasnt a big deal even though there were no specials today. The room is big enough for them to work on something else while I prep for the next activity. My main goal today was getting the sensory bottles done and Im so glad they were excited about it because they were the one of the motivating forces for me getting out of bed today! They would have hurt my feelings if they were like, "I dont want to make that!". They worked so well today-putting various items in their bottles. It went better than Id expected with it being just me. Especially since there were only 2 kids absent. I hope they arent in the trash by now! Im sure theyll be...

My Kiddies

The kids talk at lunch and,for the most part, I dont know what they are saying. There is one student who speaks English and I am tickled at the things he says sometimes. (ie. To his friend after lunch, "brush your teeth! Yes! I want to see you brush your teeth!" with much enthusiasm). There is one conversation that I can understand and it warms my heart! As they eat, they point out the letters that begin with their names as well as the names of their classmates. Thats ELEVEN letters at this point just from playing games and doing activities that begin with their names. Take that LOTW,lol.

Every Little Bit Helps

I love my family SO MUCH! And if you are away from your family, you know how it can be sometimes.Unfortunately, one of my family members has been diagnosed with  scleroderma  and we are working as a unit to help her get the treatment she needs. There is quite a bit of  information  available. Admittedly, funding is lacking for research and a cure. Please click the link below for more information about my cousin. And if you are so inclined, PLEASE DONATE. Any amount is greatly appreciated!

Killin It

Fatima ran to me, arms wide, smile even wider. No doubt, she was in such a good mood because she knew she was working it today,lol. It was the last day before the Eid holiday so we had a party. The kg1's and kg2's came to school in mini ball gowns and prom dresses. She had on a green, rouched, mermaid dress and her hair was down. She sashayed across the gym like a little lady. It's always fun to see the pretty dresses, the makeup, and the pretty hair styles. Well, after you get over the initial shock of it all,lol.