After a week of running on E in terms of energy but running on F in terms of germs, I woke up feeling like myself again. Thanks to a long nap and a full night's rest I can carry on with my long list of things to do. After the initial excitement of being handed the keys to the car, so to speak, I am now a little concerned about whether I will return the car in a manner that's pleasing with the owner. On the one hand, she trusts me to get the job done. On the other hand, I know that she likes things a certain way. And science isn't always clean or cute. I must find balance,lol.
There are a few things I know I have to return with come Monday. Sensory tables are one of those things. Hoping to come back with some piping and Im not sure what else. Im open to whatever I might see because you have to be creative when repurposing things-especially here.
I can't wait to see them use the science room. exciting!
There are a few things I know I have to return with come Monday. Sensory tables are one of those things. Hoping to come back with some piping and Im not sure what else. Im open to whatever I might see because you have to be creative when repurposing things-especially here.
I can't wait to see them use the science room. exciting!
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