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Term 1 Happenings

I know what must be done and I'm going to put my best foot forward and see what comes of it. I also decided today as I listened to Brazilian instrumentals while on the way to work that I'm going to try one.last.time to contact someone at my old school for a referral using the referral he gave me when I thought I'd go to grad school (again) to jog his memory. *fingers crossed*.

Aside from that, the year continues to go well. Even so, I mustn't let that blind me from the fact that this unhealthy relationship must come to an end as I've completed the goal I initially came with (five years) and it is time to move on. Truth be told, I would have no problem staying if it weren't for so many unforeseen changes that could adversely affect us. It seems that black and white holds no weight and too many "official" things aren't. As they say in the south, "I need to get while the gettin is good!"

The question remains though, get where? Here? Another Emirate?Another country? So many variables to consider while considering that comfort feels good but may also be a hinderance to us. I find myself looking around our house wondering about what I can do without. The same could be said for a new school. I can love a school that doesn't use writing workshop...but I'd LOOOOOVE a school that did,lol. In all honesty, most Title I schools at home have reading programs so I wouldn't be using writing workshop anyway. Who knows, I can't see into the future. I am, however, trying to alter it a little bit by getting out there and testing the waters. I still wish China weren't so polluted! I would've applied to Chinese schools last year. South Korea beckons something in me but something tells me we might wondering what in the world we got into.

Me thinks I'll just apply to good schools and see what happens. In the meantime, Ill continue to enjoy my little ones who, by the way, are starting to put cvc words together. Well a couple of them. It was so funny today in small group when one student noticed that another girl was sounding out the words before her. She asked me if the other student was good (while holding up a thumbs up) and I said yes to which she replied, "noo!". I smiled and laughed, "It's ok, you're good too".  Talking to a bilingual teacher the other day reiterated to me one of the in-house reasons I need to go. While exploring ice outside they began to get frustrated because the ice was melting. A couple students became irritated and angry and one wanted to know where her ice went! Another student talked about how his ice went into the ground. These are the things I miss most. I want to ask questions and hear them talk about their observations.


Last year I was all set and then I decided to stay. This year will not be a repeat, Inshallah.


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