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The following is a "Happy Disclaimer" intended to clarify the mood of previous posts and (possibly) put things into perspective although "perspective" is not a word  concept often used in the conversations of many expats in conversations you hear/read. Be careful as to the company you keep. Often times you walk away after having lost your perspective and no matter where you live in this world,its something you shouldnt live without.

Its actually quite simple.

I cant think of one negative post Ive created. I have written about some introspection (though not here) and questions about particular things. There was also a time I was on the verge but it was more about expats than the people Ive encountered while here and decided against it as this isnt the most anonymous place.

But there is a reason why that is the case. And its not because of fear of retribution (which is an understandable fear). Its because, while there are inconveniences abound depending on how hard you look and/or how flexible you are,they are not nearly as bad as the inconvenience of being at home with no money.And may I add to that longer hours and more stress.

and thats not to say that I ignore the atrocities all around me.I see them, acknowledge them,think about them.Maybe its the fact that I have been well aware of many atrocities well before coming to this country,before becoming an adult even. So its not "fall back" shocking to me. The way of the world is that someone is always under foot. And this subject can be carried on long enough to write a book.

The point is this: Yes, there are valid complaints, everyone has their own "truths" which are at varying degrees.Not all of the complaints are valid,not everyone is as accepting or forgiving as others, and some people will complain NO MATTER WHAT. Just wanted to make clear that this is my truth and my experiences thus far have been good. It is also my hope that your experiences be the same.


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