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Braces in the UAE

This has been a long time coming. Ive wanted braces since forever. At home it wasnt in the budget.Here, the first year went by and I decided that if I didnt get them this year, I would probably keep putting it off.

So I start the process of looking. Requirements? clean,efficient,KNOWLEDGEABLE, affordable. That was pretty much what I wanted. After some searching, I realized that I couldn't pay 25000 dirham...didn't really want to pay 14000 but would if I had to...and then I came across an ortho place in Dubai.

hmmmmmm. Dubai?

Perks were: no down payment,500 dh each visit, retainer included.

I was in.

So I called and went hoping against all hope that it would be more than the regular consultation because Id driven from Abu Dhabi! Fortunately, they xrayed me and told me about the process a bit. I didn't know what to ask so I took my  papers after signing to the "deal" and went home with the biggest grin ever on my face. I WAS GETTING BRACES!

And then I began to google (*_*). "teeth pulled"..."sleep apnea"..."mouth not big enough anymore"..."no room for your tongue"..."complications from letting them pull your adult teeth"..."DONT LET THEM PULL YOUR TEETH"...etc. etc.

OMG, I signed and said it was cool for them to pull FOUR of my teeth to correct my teeth, which werent that bad to begin with. I began to worry and was deciding if, after finally getting a wish come true, If I were destined to live with these teeth that I secretly hated. I definitely didn't want wrinkles and a different face because my teeth were no longer holding up the skin around my mouth. I called the office for another consult and they happily obliged. I told her (my dr/resident) of my concerns and she discussed them with the supervisor who oversees her work on patients (me) and I went back in a week later to good news. They could straighten my teeth without pulling. I was so happy and couldnt wait for the braces to be put on.

I was like a kid in a candy store and probably didnt even need the tools needed to hold my mouth wide open.It took about and hour and 45 mins for them to place the brackets and separators. I went home and then came back another week to get the wires.I did all my homework and took the necessary precautions so that Id need nothing. It wasnt as bad as I thought though i did have a dream that night that all my teeth had popped out of the gums from the top and were flapping against the braces,lol.

That was in April. It is now the end of June (almost). My teeth moved in the first two weeks they were on.Its not so bad driving to Dubai to get them on.I need to go there more often anyway,lol.The pain is little to none.The establishment is very clean...though you walk into a room with many "cubicles" of doctors seeing patients but its not loud and it feels private enough for me.My resident works on my mouth and the dr. checks up on her work.The doctors/teachers are from all over the world and are very good in their fields.If it were surgery, I wouldn't have gone this route but it isnt and Im fine with the process.

I would definitely recommend them to others.


  1. After reading about your dream, I laughed for the rest of the post! I have nightmares about losing my teeth a lot. And by the way, you never sent me a picture of you in your braces like I asked. But, I caught a glimpse of you with them on Jenga night;-)

  2. hahahaaaaa. that was a NIGHTMARE!woke me up even.


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