I didn't want to go to work today. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. But Ill probably go. I feel like Ive swallowed a porcupine and I don't feel like talking.Something I have to do at work.Actually,Ive worked a couple times with no voice so it is doable.Still, I don't want to! Of course, I could stay home tomorrow, and it probably would have happened if it weren't for several things that happened today. 1.the substitute wants to bake cake tomorrow as we are on the community helpers unit 2.we got new stuff in school today!!!!! computer, carpet,plush seating for the reading center 3.there was something else but idk at this moment. anyway, I am SO EXCITED that one computer is going next to the reading center so that we can finally have a listening center!!!!!!!! Im so happy, Ive been wanting this for about three years. I was about to make some cds for some books I acquired from the library but this is a better option because we have book with cds that c...
Up for the challenge! I spent 7 years teaching abroad in the same country, city, and school. My blog begins before the move and documents the preparation, introduction to a new city, the ups and downs of my experiences, and the end of my time here. Admittedly, posts decline as the years pass but I will continue to update through the resignation process. When I return home, I will begin to document repatriation and all that comes with it!