Being here for so long makes me feel like I should be speaking more Arabic. Some people here will ask you why you don't know more.I even had a rude guy tell me how he speaks English and that I should be speaking Arabic. Im sure it didn't cross his mind that he has many opportunities to practice using English because that is what is used everywhere. In regards to Arabic, not only is it not often used in public places but there are different dialects so words I learn at school may have no meaning if you are not Emirati. Anyway, I started my list with about 70 and have and will add to it as words cross my mind.Im sure when school starts again Ill remember some more!
- ana:me
- ma araf:i can't/i don't know how
- sawili:do it for me
- athini:give it to me
- bes:stop
- shwaya:little or slowly
- mafi:none
- badoon:without
- badoon sote:stop talking
- isma:listen
- imshi:walk
- tabur:line up
- bucara:tomorrow
- inshallah:God willing
- sabah al khair: good morning
- ana habuk:i love you
- el ab:play
- behedu:nicely
- el ab behedu:play nicely
- mahba:i don't want
- nefsa/nefsashay:the same
- culiyoom: i think it means every day but i don't remember
- lahzahm:you must (i think)
- la ahfahm:i dont understand
- shoo?:what
- shoo yani?:what do you mean?
- yani:mean/i mean
- shutaba?:what do you want?
- khalas:finished
- ma khalas:im not finished
- sharik:share
- raja'an:please
- fil:for
- bayt:home
- saf:class
- haluka:carpet
- put 33 together with 34 and 35 to tell the kids what something is this is for class so you can't take it or put this in your bag,its for home.
- fil haluka :go to the carpet
- hatha:that
- shoo hatha?:whats that?
- shoofi:look
- shoofi hanee:look here
- asaf:I'm sorry
- bes mamza:stop playing
- awal:first
- howal:try (if they say ma araf and won't do the work)
- sabura:white board
- lo samanti:excuse me (i think )
- ba'ad/marathania:again
- la:no
- na'am:yes
- shukran:thank you
- afwan:you're welcome
- abala/mualimat:teacher
- madeera:principal
- habibi:love
- kabir:big
- wayad:a lot
- mam noor:not allowed
- mumtaz:perfect
- halawah:candy
- haram:something that is bad/forbidden (i.e. drinking alcohol but is used for lesser offenses as well)
- wallah:i swear but people use it to say 'really' also
- labneh:yogurt
- sucar:sugar
- bedoon sucar:without sugar
- sura'a:fast/quickly
- ham am:bathroom
- my:water
- al ban at:girl
- aloowad (i think):boy
- shatrin:excellent
- baboon:poop (but its not good to say)
- zega:pee (also not polite to say)
- sowi kitha:do it like this
- when hatha?:asking where something is
- fahamtu?:do you understand
- fahamna:yes i understand
- wajub:work
- wajub fil baht:homework
- wajub fil saf:classwork
- laish:why?
- chub:shut up
- gum/gumi:get up,move over,stand up depends on context
- warga:paper
- nunu:baby
- most of the colors
- some of the days of the week
- MORE TO COME AS I THINK OF THEM.pretty sure i can get to 100
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