This has been a long time coming. Ive wanted braces since forever. At home it wasnt in the budget.Here, the first year went by and I decided that if I didnt get them this year, I would probably keep putting it off. So I start the process of looking. Requirements? clean,efficient,KNOWLEDGEABLE, affordable. That was pretty much what I wanted. After some searching, I realized that I couldn't pay 25000 dirham...didn't really want to pay 14000 but would if I had to...and then I came across an ortho place in Dubai. hmmmmmm. Dubai? Perks were: no down payment,500 dh each visit, retainer included. I was in. So I called and went hoping against all hope that it would be more than the regular consultation because Id driven from Abu Dhabi! Fortunately, they xrayed me and told me about the process a bit. I didn't know what to ask so I took my papers after signing to the "deal" and went home with the biggest grin ever on my face. I WAS GETTING BRACES! And then I...
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gulu habibti