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Showing posts from November, 2010

spoke too soon

because today I got a call asking if I wanted Etisalat to come today. ummm. OF COURSE!!! I figured it would be at least a week before hearing anything. She said the computers were down. I noticed a distinct difference in her demeanor after she read my visa before copying it. When she turned around she gave me a smile and asked what I taught. I kindly thanked her at the end and left. FYI. . .I no longer look like the Michelin man!!! I am happy about that. Now that I am back to my "regular" self, its time to move in the opposite direction and shed a few lbs. not only are the clothes here cute and smaller, but I need to make sure things stay in place ;P. Walking to the cab drop daily helps. So does walking through the malls, to the malls, through back roads, to the bank, to eat, to get X,Y,Z done. . .you get it. I made bread pudding today. IT TURNED OUT WELL GRANNY! I gave some to the owners at YAFOOLIs. Please forgive typo in last entry. I hope they like it. My friend, ...


But not intentionally. . . Im in the apartment and have yet to get internet. It should be coming soon and the "internet cafe's" internet is down so that leaves me to do lots of other things besides getting stuck on the computer. I do enjoy blogging about the experience and there are probably many things Ive forgotten that I really did want to write about. yes, Amy,its just like kids say, I miss you guys too. . .but I dont miss the States (yet),lol. So many people do . . .some enjoy this place but miss home and other probably wish theyd never come. Or at least thats the impression they give. IDK, I dont get into that. I just smile to myself when people talk about the differences. Like the water here is desalinated. okayyyyy. . .it comes from the sea. Some places it tastes normal and in other places it does not. For example, in my apartment its horrible so I have a water machine thingy (high tech language,I know,lol) and I have bottles delivered with a p...

When in Rome

There are some things that, while you are doing them, make you think:"I would never do this in my country". Like the other day when I couldnt take it anymore and went to get water to drink bc its nasty in my apt (and,yes,Ive had the water in other places and it was fine). Anyway, it wasnt late but it was dark. The corner store is literally a minute outside my door. On the way back I walked to see if the internet cafe was open. An older man asked if I was looking for the pharmacy. I wasnt. He motioned and asked me to sit after he asked me where I was from and I told him. He was extremely nice and the first 5 mins consisted of a conversation in my head about how things like this work here. He talked about how proud they are to have us here and that Americans are treated with a different kind of respect. He talked about how nowhere else will you see so many Nationalities in a matter of minutes no matter where you are. He talked about work and leisure and told me about his resta...

Eid Mubarak!

So pretty much everything is closed today. We are off from work and everyone seems extremely happy about it. Knowing how much the service workers here actually work, I am happy they are off from work and able to. . .just sit around or whatever it is they enjoy doing. Some of them are playing baseball outside and Im sure they are enjoying it. The other day was HILARIOUS. The guy delivering my bedroom furniture was so irritated with me. His accent was thick and Im assuming he spoke Hindi as he was from India. After MANY conversations and both sides not understanding the other, He was like, "OOOH MY GOHD, JEESUUHS!!". I wanted to laugh but saved it til I was off the phone. They FINALLY made it and put the things together pretty easily. My other things will have to wait since I have no card with which to pay for them. I moved some things over and I have to move some other things over tomorrow. I also have to go to lulus AGAIN to get some kitchen and bathroom items. The weath...


Free concerts abound for F1 fifty. Sean Paul Fabolous etc. . . .Didnt go tonite. I think I may be overdue for a night in.Besides, I have business in the morning. The following are pics from BOTB last night. I am pleased with what I got. . . this is what i see every evening

picture post

I was torn as to whether to even post pics of the grande Mosque as everyone else has but people who read me may or may not read the others and these are through my eyes albeit difficult while being pushed through because I couldnt take off my boot and shoes arent allowed in. It actually made me think of Old Testament rituals and how the practice isnt extreme as some may think. It used to be that way for holy ground in the Bible. Thats another topic altogether. Today we are here for pictures!!!! This place is vast! doesnt give it justice inlays of mother of pearl flowers on each column. a clock for each time they are to pray. The first one (our 12) is to wake them up for the first prayer made of glass, this flower is between each set of four posts ceiling of the overflow room teachers taking pics I really like this pic just because of composition fresh seafood anyone? Emirates palace buffet hmmmm. . .soup . . .and in cast iron!!!


Not sure how to make it with the information that will follow but I will not allow it to alter my day, or night as the time would have it. Today started out good. Well, initially I woke up witha  jerk thinking Id over slept but didnt. I got ready and then went to clean up while I waited on the couch to arrive. I made sure not to forget the TP ;P. Of course, it wasnt on time and they couldnt find it and I now know that giving the bank as a landmark confuses them because there are green buildings behind the bank that I knew nothing about. No problem there. Later in the day I figure Id get a movie to watch as I wait for the delivery of my fridge and stove. NO SUCH LUCK. . . My wallet was back at the house-or so I thought so I walked back to get it. PROBLEM: I CANT FIND MY WALLET ANYWHERE So it mustve gotten left in the cabbie. Only I looked back at the seat when I got out to see if the seat was clear. It could have been on the floor.idk. Yeah, my cards were in ...


My grandfather says I have heavy feet. So much so that it was extremely difficult for me to walk around the house quietly. My sister, on the other hand,seemed to float around as if she were on a cloud. I wont even repeat the nickname he gave me for having heavy feet (and you better not either SHEENA) because its not becoming to me at all,lol. The point is that Im here and as a resident, I have no plans to tiptoe around anyone. Its sort of mind boggling to think about how much they have and how above you they may be on the totem pole of this thing we call life. But, if you think about it, at the end of the day they are human just like we are and thats that. I walked around the corniche today and was a bit disappointed in the lack of local music. I saw kandooras of different colors and one guys was silver and he had a hat that sort of matched. He was in a group and I took their picture. I like the way it looks when they wrap the head scarf around their face. I walked back and forth p...

Kayf haluq?

Man, this place is a mother and child paradise. I think it blows peoples minds how laid back it is here. If youre not careful, after looking at the cutest babies and baby items and seeing the help you get with  motherhood, you might catch yourself thinking you may wanna pop out a lil bambino! lol No worries-Im cool. No fever or anything,ha ha ha. Today Im going out to order appliances, would love a mani/pedi but idk. Actually, I think Im just gonna get a mani.And tonite Im going to see Fabolous and going to work on my photography. Yeah, Kanye is gonna be here tonite but I have no desire to see him-cant get down with his craziness, his cocky attitude,etc. Actually, Im not even that into hip hop concerts but its free and on the beach so Im going and I do think Fabo is nice. Underrated. Ima tell you who I DOOOO wanna see. . .RYAN LESLIE. And I am willing to travel to do so. My tonsil is hurting but it happens sometimes so I dont know what to think but Im taking precaution...


I am finally a resident of Abu Dhabi. Fairly quick.Definitely painless. Well worth the wait. So glad things have gone the way they have. I really feel blessed. Today was a free day and lots of partying took place. I have plenty of pics to post. Of this and old pics that Ive uploaded but done nothing with. Ive got to do better,lol. But I have a week or so to do that. Eid is upon us although Im not as excited as those whove been here awhile because-well, I JUST got here,lol. I can sponsor now. . .not in a rush though. Let the "missingness" simmer,lol. Paper work will take a little time. We are still on schedule. God definitely has been hearing and answering prayers and Im so thankful! Been learning Arabic words and theyre helpful for redirection. Soon, InShallah, words will turn to sentences and so on. . . Clothes are oh so cute but Im not going to get sucked in. After looking at my rooms, I have room for a wall to wall closet. I know I cant and wont buy  loads of clo...

what is this?

Im at home and have been ever since I came from my apartment today. I went to check room sizes after having looked at the same couches on multiple occasions. Im so tired and have been today while en route to school as well as on the way home. Its the Eid holiday but its not a big deal to me as for the people who have been here and who need a break. I HAVENT STARTED REALLY WORKING YET! lol Today I felt rather ignorant. And though Im not anymore, I wonder if we were offensive to anyone who may have seen us. . .okay, so there was a lamb tied to a tree outside the school and all we heard was "baaa baaaaa". We didnt know if it were tied to the tree or where it came from. We were taping it with our technology and one (funny) teacher was "communicating" with it. Just think of the movie Finding Nemo where she was speaking "whale". It was too funny to hear the lamb/sheep respond! After a short while of wondering whether it would charge us or wondering where it ...

Some things

Some things are so different and others all the same. First, I will say that I get this little shocked feeling when people make mention of "getting your hand chopped off if you steal". Some would be shocked to see how civilized this place is. At the same time, it has so far to go. Im sitting here listening to Arabic music on tv. I have no idea of what they are saying but I love the music nonetheless,lol. Things that amaze me: This is a place for mothers and children. I dont have kids and wont any time soon *Inshallan* (ha ha ha) but I cant help but notice the kids items they have here. If I dont have my kid here, I would love to take things home from here as they are so fitting for kids! I can only imagine what their rooms look like in those huge homes we can barely see for large walls. Service workers: I recently had my "do not disturb" sign taken from my door. they came to clean my room after I asked them not too. I felt so bad because it was junky,lol. ...


We are NOT parked. This is how driving often looks  why eat at a FOUR star restaurant when you can eat at a TWO star?! or you can just eat at BUTT SWEET HOME! lmbo want BIG LIPS? seriously. . ."winter" is coming ;P barbie! comes with an ABAYA! Marhaba Christen!!


why does it feel like Ive been here forever??? Its only been a couple of weeks. I will definitely say that coming in a small group, NOT in Ramadan (because things are on a completely different time schedule understandably),and NOT in the extreme heat of August has been the best. We came, got our medicals a day later, and got fingerprints done the next week. We were able to relax and acclimate and things have been good. No jet lag to speak of. . .still waiting to actually work. I was pleasantly surprised at the reaction of the Arabic teachers and all it took was to speak to them in their language and to convey the fact that I do want to learn about them and not just bring Western ideology and pedagogy to them without respecting and taking into account their feelings. Regardless of what Im doing here, I never want to come across as that because I am ever cognizant of history and how that has happened time and time again. I think that partnership is very important and in some school...